Saint Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church in Franconia, Virginia


I have executed a lot of work for churches of every denomination. Recently I restored several statues in Saint Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church in Franconia, Virginia. This required cleaning and sealing the statues in the Garden of The Stations of the Cross.

Also in the Garden was a statue called “The Divine Mercy”, showing Jesus displaying the Stigmata and the red and blue rays emanating from his breast. The paint was peeling and cracked. I removed all damage, sanded and primed all surfaces. I then painted the backdrop with a blend of blue with a halo and the rays of red and blue. I reinstalled it in its display case in the garden.

The repaired and finished statue of Jesus greeting parishioners outside of the Church had deteriorated with peeling paint and chips of material missing. I stripped off the paint and filled any gaps then primed and painted it with white epoxy paint for a long-lasting finish. For the Sacred Heart, I used Golden Artist’s Colors.

The final three statues were polychromed with Golden Artist’s Colors Acrylic Paint and varnished.


Gateway Park Sandbox in Rosslyn, Virginia